General Ledger Code (GL Code)


You can add all the general ledger codes using this option. A general ledger account will have a specific code for all transactions in the organization. On specifying the GL code you will be able to track the necessary information for a specific transaction.

Example: If you like to know all your company's IT purchases for the November month 2007, then you can specify the GL code for IT purchases in november 2007 and get the details.

  1. Login in to ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application using your user name and password.

  2. Click on the Admin tab in the header pane.

  3. In the Purchase/Contracts management block, click GL Code icon gl-code-icon.  This opens the GL Code List page.

To Add GL Code

  1. Click the New GL Code link on the right hand side of the page. This opens the GL Code Details page.

  2. Specify the GL Code in the given fields. This is mandatory field.

  3. Specify any relevant information about the GL Code in the Description field.

  4. Click Add GL Code button to add the code to the GL Code list below.

To Edit GL Code

  1. Click the Edit icon editiconon the left side of the GL code. This opens the edit GL code page.

  2. Modify the value and save the details.

  3. Click Add GL Code button.

To Delete GL Code

  1. Click the Delete icon deleteicon on the left side of the GL code.

  2. A dialog box pops up asking your confirmation on the delete process. Click Ok to proceed. You can see the GL Code deleted from the list.




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