Create New Release

To create a new Release request,

  • Go to Releases and click New.

  • In the displayed form, enter the required attributes of the release. The following table explains each attribute in detail:





This drop-down lists the available release templates. Choose the required template to auto-populate information for recurrent releases.


You can configure custom release templates under Admin > Release Management > Release Templates. Click here to know more.


This drop-down lists the workflows configured for releases. Choose the workflow that the release must follow.


Choose the stage of the release. Submission is the default selection.


Choose the required status from the list of statuses available in the selected release stage. Requested is the default selection.


Add information related to the stage/status as comments.


The site associated with the release. This option will be available only if you have configured multiple sites in your organization.


Choose the type of release rolling out. Type is defined based on the business impact of the release.


If the release is specific to a group, select the group.


Choose whether the release will affect business, department, group, or user.


Specify how urgent the release is.


Specify the priority of the release.


Describe whether the release involves high, medium, or low risk.


Classify the release into the required category such as Internet, Network, and the like.


The drop-down lists the subcategories configured under the selected category. Select the required subcategory.


The drop-down lists the items configured under the selected subcategory. Select the required item.

Scheduled Start/End

Provide the Schedule date and time to start/end the release.


Note that this is only an estimated schedule, the actual schedule may vary.

Services Affected

Mention the services that might be affected due to this release.

Assets Involved

Mention the assets that might be affected due to the release.

CIs Involved

Mention the CIs that might be involved in the release.


Provide a short description of the release. (not exceeding 250 characters)


Describe the release in detail.


You can drag and drop files from your local device or upload them from cloud storage.

Release Manager

Select the user to oversee the release throughout its lifecycle.

Release Engineer

Select the user to plan and deploy the release and also coordinate user training for the deployed service.

Release Requester

Select the user who requested to initiate the release.

Development Head

Select the user to handle the deliverables from development to release.

QA Manager

Select the user to handle the testing phase of the deliverables.

UAT Owner

Select the user to manage the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) of the deliverables.

Release Reviewer

Select the user to review the entire release process after deployment.


The new release form also lists user-defined fields and custom roles based on the applied template. Fill out the required details.

Finally, click Save.

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