Request - Account Association 


Request Creation via email  

You can create a new request in the application by sending an email to the support email address. The mail server parses the fetched emails and adds them as new requests.

In ServiceDesk Plus MSP, each account has a support email address. You can create a request in an account by sending an email to the account's support email address.


If the email is from an unknown requester, the SDAdmin can approve the requester to add the request.


The permissions for each role in creating requests via email are listed below:

  • Requesters can create requests via email only in their accounts.

  • Technicians can create requests via email in their associated accounts. They can create requests for any user within the account.


Request Creation via email Across Accounts by an MSP Requester

There are vendors or third party call centers who support various accounts of the MSP, and thus require access to all accounts for request creation. However, due to security reasons, they cannot have access to all accounts. 

To handle this, ServiceDesk Plus MSP enables you to create these users as MSP requesters who can create requests in any account via email. A brief comparison of the behavior between the old and new versions is discussed below:




Version 9427 and earlier

Version 10500

When a user who is not registered in the application sends an email to an account's support email address

The user will be added as a requester to the account

The user will be added as a requester to the account (No change)

When the MSP requester in an account sends an email to another account's support email address 

A request will be created in the account of the requester

A request will be created in the account to which the email is sent


However, MSP requesters cannot view the request details except Request ID and Subject due to security reasons.


Changing the account of an existing request  

In some cases, users tend to create requests via email in the wrong account. ServiceDesk Plus MSP allows you to change the account of an existing request. 

Role Required: Technician

To change the account of an existing request,

  • Open the request details page of the request you want to edit.

  • Click Actions >> Change AccountThis displays the request edit page.

  • In the site drop-down, you will find the list of sites of all the accounts associated with the technician. Choose the required site from the drop-down. 


  • Techncians can move requests only within their associated accounts.

  • When a requester has created a request in the wrong account, moving the request to a different account creates a duplicate requester with the same username in that account/site. However, this duplicate user will not have an email.


Change the account of requests in bulk 

You can change the account of multiple requests using bulk edit. Perform this action from the request list view by following the steps given below:

  • Choose All Accounts in the account filter.

  • Select the requests to be moved.

  • Click Actions >> Edit.

  • Set the Account and Site fields to which you want to move the request.


The difference in behavior for each request based on the associated accounts/sites of the requester is as follows:

  • When the request is raised by a requester associated with an account, the request can be moved to any site in that account.

  • When the request is raised by an MSP requester, the request can be moved to any account/site.

  • When the request is raised by a technician associated with multiple accounts, the request can be moved across the technician's associated accounts.

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