Configuring Groups


Request Groups denote the location where the various incoming requests can be categorized and grouped. Each Group can have a group of technicians incharge of handling the requests pertaining to that Group You can configure these Groups in such a way that notifications can be sent to technician group who belong to the Group regarding a new request creation. These Groups will be listed in the drop-down menu in the New Request form.

To open the Group configuration page

  1. Log in to the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application using the user name and password of an admin user.

  2. Click the Admin tab in the header pane.

  3. In the MSP Details block, click the Groups icon Admin Queue Icon. You can add, edit, or delete Groups.

Add Group


To add a request Group,

  1. Select the Site and Click the Add New Group link available at the right top corner of the Group list page.

  2. In the Add Group form, enter the group name in the Name field. This is mandatory field.

  3. Select the technicians that you wish to group under this Group from the Available Technicians list box and click >> button to move them to Technicians interested in this Group. NOTE: Only the technicians associated to the selected site would be available.

  4. You can choose the technicians of the Group to whom you wish to notify for a new request creation in the Group. To do this select the check box Send notification to Group technician(s) when a new request is added to this Group. This drops down the technician selection field.

  5. Click Choose button to open the List of Group Technician pop-up window.

  6. Select the technicians whom to wish to notify and click OK.

  7. To choose the technicians to send notification for unpicked requests in the Group, select the check box Send notification to technician(s) when a request in this Group is left unpicked. This drops down the technician selection field and time period configuration after which the notification will be sent.

  8. Click Choose button to open the complete list of technicians available in your help desk.

  9. Select the technicians from the list box and click OK. The technicians get listed in the field provided.

  10. Enter the time period, from the creation of the request in Group, after which the notification of unpicked requests will be sent to the selected technicians.

  11. If you wish to describe the Group in detail enter the same in the Description text box.

  12. Enter the Group E-mail id in the given text field. Multiple e-mail id for a group should be separated by commas or semi colon and needs to be unique.

  13. Specify the Sender's Name and the Sender's E-mail in the given text field. The senders name will be specified while sending e-mails.  

  14. Click Save. The new Group is added.

If you want to add more than one Group, then instead of clicking Save, click Save and add new button. This adds the new Group and reopens the Add Group form.


At any point, if you decide not to add the new Group, then click Cancel to get back to the Group list. Clicking the View List link on the top right corner of the add Group form will also take you to the Group list view.



Note: Enabling the check boxes while adding Group does not ensure that the notification will be sent. This setting is just to choose the technicians to whom the notification needs to be sent and the time frame after which the unpicked request notification is to be sent. To actually send the notification, you need to enable the corresponding setting under the Notification Rules under the Admin tasks, which are:

  1. Notify Group technician by mail when request is added to Group.

  2. Notify technician by mail when request is unpicked in Group.


Edit Group


To edit an existing Group

  1. In the Group List page, click the edit iconEdit Iconbeside the Group name that you wish to edit.

  2. In the Edit Group form, you can modify the name of the Group, the technicians belonging to the Groups, the notification settings, and description.

  3. Click Save to save the changes. At any point, if you wish to cancel the operation that you are performing, click Cancel.

Even while editing a Group, if you wish to add a new Group, then click Save and add new button instead of clicking Save button after making the changes.


Delete Group

  1. In the Group List page, click the delete icondeleteiconbeside the Group name that you wish to delete. A confirmation dialog appears.

  2. Click OK to proceed with the deletion. If you do not want to delete the Group, then click Cancel.



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