Custom Triggers for Notifications 

Use custom triggers to automatically set off predefined actions on a notification that matches the criteria. You can configure email/SMS notifications, custom functions, or even custom scripts as custom actions.  

Custom triggers are categorized and executed through trigger groups.


Role Required: SDAdmin or HelpDeskConfig


Create Trigger Group      

To Create a new Trigger Group,

  • Go to Admin > Automation > Custom Triggers > Notifications.

  • Click +Trigger Group.

  • Provide a Name and Description for the group.

  • Click Save or Save and Add New.




To create a new Custom Trigger,

  • Hover over the required group and click Add Trigger.

  • Fill out the displayed form using the following pointers:

    • Trigger Name: Provide a name for the trigger.

    • Description: Describe the trigger or add relevant notes.

    • Execute on actions: Choose whether the trigger should be executed when the notification is Sent by User, Deleted Permanently, Forward, Sent by Technician, and System Notifications. Choosing Deleted Permanently enables you to trigger notifications to specific users when the notification is deleted from trash. Note that the Deleted Permanently option cannot be combined with any other option.
    • Execute during: Using this option, you can choose to execute the trigger only within or other than operational hours. The default choice is Any Time.

    • Cascade Execution: Use this option to modify the order of the next applied trigger. You can choose to skip all remaining triggers in the current group or even across all groups.

    • Criteria: Choose the criteria for requests using the drop-down lists. You can configure up to 50 criteria in AND/OR combinations for a custom triggers.

      • You can also configure multiple sub-criteria for a given criteria. The sub-criteria will be further checked for a request after the criteria is verified.

      • For fields such as Requester, Technician, Groups etc., you can configure criteria for dynamic input using placeholders such as $All my groups, $Logged in user, etc.

      • For fields such as Status, Created by, Department, etc., you can configure criteria based on the corresponding sub-fields by clicking > beside them.
    • Execute Rule when the criteria is met: This option is available only if you have chosen to apply the trigger when a request is edited. Choose whether the trigger must be applied only for the first time or every time the criteria is met.

    • Actions: Configure the actions to perform when a request satisfies the specified criteria. You can choose to trigger notifications (via email/SMS), execute custom script, class or custom function. You can choose to Override request values with Custom Trigger values using the toggle button available under each action.
      Learn more about each custom action here.

    • Click Save.


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